

The First Report Pin

Welcome to Rapport Reports, where we take a look at the latest, the greatest and the let-downs. Whoever we talk to, wherever they are, whatever they do, they all have stories about schools and schooling, teachers, parents, education and relevance. Sometimes the memories are positive, sometimes less so, sometimes they’re out of this world.

You’ll read reminiscences from pupils in decades past, some from teachers in schools today and other stories from those futurologists who think the internet is old hat, schools are historic, human teachers archaic and education a process of absorption from the ethers. Since we know the latter are wrong, we beseech you to give our writers the opportunity to regale you with their stories.

Education never stops.

Come here occasionally to see who’s next in line writing from the school of life. Start here.


“Respect the older generation…they got through school without Google!”

Coming soon Pin

Keep coming back to Rapport Reports for the latest educational marketing news, campaigns and opportunities. As well as the latest installments of our Views from The Schools of Life.

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